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Please DO NOT bring any NUTS OR NUT PRODUCTS into the Shul.





Several members and mitpalelim of this kehilah are seriously allergic to peanuts and all tree-nuts. Mere exposure to these items can cause a severe adverse reaction, including bodily rashes, respiratory distress, and even death.  To prevent a severe adverse reaction, we ask that you NOT bring any foods into the Shul building made with nuts or nut products.  

Please note that not all nuts have the word “nut” in it (e.g. walnut).  For example, almonds, cashews and pecans are common types of tree nuts to which many people have severe allergies.  If you are unsure if the food contains nuts please err on the side of caution and DO NOT bring that food.

 Also, if before coming to Shul you or your children eat foods made with nuts, we ask that you wash your hands upon entering the Shul.  The residue from these foods and the particles left behind can cause severe problems.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation in fulfilling the mitzvah of Lo Ta’amod al Dam Re’echa — You Shall not Endanger Your Neighbor’s Life.


                                               Congregation Beth Itzchok 



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